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What We Stand For

To recruit, organise and represent workers in the retail, distributive, manufacturing and service sectors for the purpose of securing the best possible terms and conditions and providing support and protection at work.

To achieve this goal we commit:

  • To obtain the highest level of membership in order to maximise our strength in the sectors we operate in.
  • To maintain effective administration, financial and organisational systems to achieve efficiency and value for money in the delivery of systems to members.
  • To establish negotiations and effective industrial relations with employers to achieve the best possible terms and conditions for our members.
  • To develop a Union profile that is responsive and relevant to the specific needs of members and potential members.
  • To maintain and develop our position as the major Union in the retail distributive sector.
  • To promote and campaign for the policies and interests of our members in the workplace, the political arena and the broader community. 
  • To widen and increase membership involvement and participation in the Union's organisational, recruitment and campaigning activities.
  • To promote and strive for equality and to oppose all forms of discrimination, that divide, weaken and undermine our efforts.
  • To develop an effective network of workplace representatives and to provide effective encouragement, training and resources to enable them to recruit, assist and support members in their place of work.                                                                                                                                  

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The official website of the Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers