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Health & Wellbeing

Usdaw takes both the physical and mental wellbeing of its members very seriously

Mind Your Head - Mental Health Bitesize Course

Our latest bitesize course aims to help reps and members look after their mental health in these difficult times.

Find out more >>

Women's Health

We have produced a series of leaflets on women's health. Women's health is a trade union issue. View all >>

Male Cancers

Our leaflet is designed to raise men’s awareness of the importance of maintaining their health, particularly when it comes to cancer. It highlights the two most common male specific cancers and explains how to spot the early warning signs so you can get checked out.

View: Usdaw talking about Men’s Health...Male Cancers (MH1)

The NHS needs your blood…

Usdaw members can play a big part in restocking the UK’s blood supplies. It’s an easy and painless way to save lives. Find out more >>

Sleep Apnoea

This leaflet is designed for reps and members to think if they, or colleagues at their workplace are suffering with sleep apnoea and to seek treatment. Find out more >>

Free prize draw

Enter our free prize draw to win a £100 Love2Shop Gift Voucher courtesy of Usdaw Health and Dental.

The official website of the Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers