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Usdaw's Political Fund

Usdaw’s Political Fund – why we have, what we do with it.

Most Usdaw members are part of the Union’s Political Fund. This means that a small amount of their union subs goes into the fund to help Usdaw successfully campaign on issues that matter to members.

The Political Fund is separate from our industrial funds (that we use for representing members in the workplace and recruiting new ones). It is a legal requirement that our political work is paid for out of our Political Fund and not industrial funds. Find out more >>

Help us fight for fairness in the workplace – make sure you are in Usdaw’s Political Fund!


Join in - Opt In!

Opting in to the Political Fund is easy. You can simply email records@usdaw.org.uk and ask for a ‘political fund opt-in notice’ to be sent to you by email. Alternatively, you can phone your local office and ask for a form to be posted to you.


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The official website of the Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers